Ihre Kupferdrahtgranulatorfabrik
The copper wire granulator is a machine used for recycling cables made of copper or aluminum. This machine uses advanced techniques to remove copper from insulation, resulting in maximum material recovery. The granulator which usually have conveyor system, shredder, air separation and vibrating table can separate copper from waste wires efficiently by using mechanical means made by air separation and vibrating table. The resulting copper granules can then be processed further for reuse, decreasing the demand for fresh raw materials. These machines serve an important role in resource conservation and material recovery, hence promoting sustainable practices in a variety of industries. The use of copper wire granulators is critical in recycling waste wires and increasing the efficiency of recycling processes.
BSGH Granulator ist vor allem auf das High-End-Marktsegment ausgerichtet und legt den Schwerpunkt auf erstklassige Qualität und Leistung, um die vollständige Zufriedenheit der Kunden zu gewährleisten.
- Wir bieten über 60 Modelle von Standard-Kupferdrahtgranulatoren zu Preisen von 4.900 bis 300.000 USD an. Darüber hinaus bieten wir Anpassungsoptionen, um unterschiedliche Verarbeitungskapazitäten und spezifische Kundenanforderungen zu erfüllen.
- Kapazität: Standard 50 kg/h – 2 t/h, individuell anpassbar auf 3 – 5 t/h.
- Verarbeitete Kabeltypen: Standard für Telekommunikationskabel, Autokabel, ummantelte Flachkabel, Vierkantkabel, Computerkabel, komplexe Kabel usw. Für spezielle gepanzerte Kabel können wir für Sie eine individuell angepasste Zerkleinerungsmaschine für gepanzerte Kabel anfertigen.
- Marke: BSGH Granulator und 3T.
- Our machine mainly classifies N series and D series granulators.
N series granulators are engineered for machines with exceptional performance and superior quality, catering to customers with stringent requirements, despite the price being higher than other granulators, this series of machines will be able to perfectly meet the PichCkj customer demands through its outstanding working performance.
- D series granulators focus on providing the best cost-performance ratio machines, catering to customers who prioritize acquiring the best value within their budget constraints.
BS-AN120 Kabelabisoliermaschine
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BS-AC50 Abisoliermaschine für Kupferdrähte
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BS-AC80 Drahtschälmaschine
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BS-KOF Kabelschälmaschine
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BS-200 Drahtkabel-Abisoliermaschine zu verkaufen
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BS-KOC Hochwertige Kupferdraht-Schälmaschine zu verkaufen
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SMS-5 Drahtschneide- und Abisoliermaschine
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BS-4 Kupferdraht-Abisoliermaschine
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BS-300 Hochwertige Drahtschrottmaschine zu verkaufen
Was ist ein Kupferdrahtgranulator?
Copper wire granulators are sophisticated machines designed for processing scrap wires efficiently and all kinds of waste devices that are rich in copper. These machines have become indispensable in recycling operations, contributing to the reduction of electronic waste and environmental preservation. Various types of copper wire granulators are available in the market, each serving distinct purposes.
Wie funktioniert ein Kupferdrahtgranulator?
The granulation process involves breaking down copper wires into smaller particles and separating them based on the property of density. This intricate process relies on several key components such as shredder, crusher, conveyor, air separation, magnetic separator and vibrating table. Understanding this mechanism is crucial for appreciating the principle of the machine and helps you buy a suitable one.
Zur Granulierung geeignete Kupferdrahtarten
Not all copper wires are created same. Certain types of wires are more suitable for granulation due to their different compositions and thicknesses, such as complex cables, car harness wires, telecommunication cables and cables that can’t be processed by wire stripper machine. You need to make a decision based on the type of waste wires you have, then choose an appropriate model rely on the processing capacity and the demand of output.
Kupferdrahtgranulatoren wenden fortschrittliche mechanische Prozesse an, um Kupfer effizient von der Isolierung zu trennen und so im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Methoden einen höheren Reinheitsgrad sicherzustellen.
Indeed, these machines exhibit remarkable versatility as they are capable of handling an extensive assortment of cable types and thicknesses mainly including industrial and domestic cables.
The amount of copper output and the consistency of the copper product particle size can reflect the efficiency of the machine. The adaptability and stability will ensure the machine’s efficiency.
While some granulators can handle mixed cables, optimal performance is achieved when cables are pre-sorted by type and size. Then use a shredder to crush the scrap wires before using the copper wire granulator.
Copper wire granulators are designed for various scales of operations, from small businesses to large industrial facilities. The choice depends on the volume and type of processed cables.
Für eine optimale Leistung ist regelmäßige Wartung unerlässlich. Das Reinigen, Schmieren und Überprüfen der Komponenten sollte Teil eines routinemäßigen Wartungsplans sein.
Teilen Sie uns Ihren Bedarf an Granulatormaschinen mit
Teilen Sie uns bitte Ihren Bedarf an Drahtgranulatormaschinen mit. Wir entwickeln maßgeschneiderte Verarbeitungslösungen, um die Recyclingeffizienz und -leistung zu verbessern.
- Whatsapp/Viber: 008613772508206
- E-Mail: coppergranulator@bsghrecycling.com
- Website: https://bsghgranulator.com/