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Professional wet Granulators machine supplier

Wet Type Copper Granulators Machine factory

Wet type Copper Granulators machine from china

‌The BS-80 wet type copper granulators machine is an environmentally friendly machine that is mainly used to crush scrap copper wires and separate copper from plastic. Using an internal circulation water process, the BS-80 wet type copper granulator separate the copper from plastic through a combination of water flow and vibration frequency of shaking table, achieving efficient copper recovery.

Working Video

Here is a working video of the wet copper granulators machine for your reference, so that you can know about the machine well:

Paramètres techniques


600-900 KG/H

Main Part Taille


Main Part Weight

2080 KG

Puissance totale


Shaking Table Size


Shaking Table Poids

1000 kG

Shaking Table Power

1.5 KW

Accident vasculaire cérébral

220-380 Times/Min

Advantages of wet copper granulators

  • Haute efficacité

    The wet copper granulator machine can process a large amount of scrap cables and wires in a short time, and the purity of the separated copper and plastic can reach 99.9%, meeting the standard for recycling. Our equipment uses highly automated technology, and does not require plug cutting, which reduces the complexity and time cost of operation and greatly improves production efficiency.

  • Internal circulation water process

    Our company's wet copper granulator machine adopts an internal circulating water process, which can effectively reduce the operating temperature and extend the service life of the equipment. At the same time, the internal circulating water can also reduce resources waste and environmental pollution.

  • High recycling rate

    The wet copper granulator machine is a device that uses a water shaking table to separate scrap copper wires into copper and plastic. The copper recovery rate can reach 100%. Compared with the dry copper granulator machine, the wet copper granulator machine can do a more thorough and precise separation.

  • Low investment cost

    Wet copper granulator machine also have the significant advantage of being lower in price than dry copper granulator machine. Dry copper granulator machine usually requires a large cooling system, resulting in higher investment costs. The wet copper granulator machine works in a simple way and does not require cumbersome supporting facilities, so the price is more affordable, which can help you save costs and improve economic benefits.

Structure and functions of wet copper granulator machine

The structure of BS-80 wet type copper granulator machine mainly includes six parts: crusher, cage mixer, water shaking table, 10 water taps, magnetic separator and receptor.

Les fonctions de chaque partie sont les suivantes :

Process scrap copper wires into mixture of copper and plastic granules.

It is mainly used to transport mixture of copper and plastic granules to the water shaking table through the rotation of spiral blades to prevent blockage during transportation.

Its main function is to use the weight difference between copper and plastic to separate copper and plastic through the water shaking table vibration and water flow. And shaking table has a certain slope, separating copper and plastic granules more efficiently.

Wet copper granulator machine has 10 water taps, which plays an important role of controlling the size and switch of the water flow, ensuring the effective use of internal circulating water and the normal operation of the machine.

It is installed behind shaking table for absorbing iron chips from copper granules, improving separation rate of the machine.

In the end of shaking table, there is a platform for getting copper and plastic granules. The pure copper granules are on the left, the mixture that needs secondary separation is in the middle, and the pure plastic granules are on the right.

Working process of wet copper granulators machine

Recyclage du cuivre
Premier pas

Put the scrap cables and wires into crusher, processing them into mixture of copper and plastic granules.

wet copper granulator machine
Deuxième étape

The mixture is directly discharged from the outlet of the wet copper granulators machine to the cage mixer.

water shaking table of wet copper granulator machine
Troisième étape

Then copper granules and plastic granules are separated from the mixture under the action of vibration of shaking table and water flow.

Granules de cuivre
Forth Step

The magnetic absorbs iron chips from copper granules, then you can get pure copper granules, pure plastic granules and the mixture. You need to do a secondary separation of the mixture, and dry the pure copper granules and the pure plastic granules as quickly as possible, preventing copper granules from oxidizing.

Note: The water used in the wet copper granulator machine processing process will be recycled.

Raw Material & Application Of wet copper granulator machine

What Can We Process

What Industry Are We Suitable

machine à éplucher les câbles bs 3-1          fils mixtes         

Our wet-type copper granulator machine can process various kinds of wires on the market with a diameter less than 25mm, including household appliance wires, communication wires, computer wires, thick wires, mixed cables, automotive loom wires, etc.

In addition, our wet copper granulators machine can also process scrap cables with oil. You only need to add an appropriate amount of oil solvents to the water to efficiently process the oily cables.

get Beat price today for your wet copper granulators.

Whether you require assistance with selecting the right machine for your operations or have inquiries about our specific machine, our professional sell staff is here to support you every step of the way.

Necessary Precautions

The installation location of the wet copper granulator machine is very important. It is best to install it in a dry and well-ventilated place.

During the operation of the wet copper granulator machine, a large amount of water is needed to separate copper and plastic, so you need to dig a reservoir to ensure that the wet copper granulator machine can operate normally. Moreover, the reservoir can also filter the waste water to ensure internal circulation and reduce the waste of water resources.

If the machine is not used for a long time, it is recommended to drain it in advance, which can effectively protect the internal operating parts of the wet copper granulator machine.

Daily Maintenance

Regular Cleaning

Choose an appropriate cleaning method based on frequency of use. It is generally recommended to perform a comprehensive cleaning at least once a month, using clean water or detergent. Attention, you must pay attention to safety during cleaning to avoid electric shock.

Inspection régulière

Regularly check the wear of each part of the equipment, especially the blade and sieve mesh of the crusher. If any wear and blockage is found, clean or replace it in time to ensure the copper granulator machine is in good operation. In addition, it is necessary to check the water pipes of the copper granulator machine and replace them in time if they are broken. You can also check whether there are any debris or faults in the water tank.

Prevent Scale

Scale is a factor that seriously affects the operating efficiency of the wet copper granulator machine. During the long-term use of the wet copper granulator machine, a descaling cleaner is needed to keep the water clean and prevent scale accumulation inside the machine.


Regularly lubricate the equipment to reduce friction damage to equipment and extend the service life of the wet copper granulator machine.

Pourquoi nous choisir?

Our new wet copper granulators machine is made of advanced technology and high-end materials, and has been modified and upgraded on the basis of the previous one. The equipment operates more stably than similar products, with high efficiency and recovery rate.

We have more than 25 years of experience in machinery research and development, production and sales. Our products have been exported to various regions around the world, such as France, Germany, America, etc., and have been widely praised by customers.

We have technical staff with rich experience at home and abroad who can provide the most professional suggestions to all customers. Furthermore, our wet copper granulator machines are all sold directly by the manufacturer, making them more competitive.

We have a professional foreign trade service team, always ready to solve problems for customers, and provide online guidance to foreign customers at the right time even if there is a time difference.

à propos de nous

Since its establishment in 1995, Granulateur BSGH has been engaged in the recycling industry, hoping to develop more advanced and economical machines to meet different production needs and adapt to the ever-changing market trends.

Our factory covers an area of more than 60,000 square meters, our machines have occupied more than 80% of the Chinese market, and we have more than 150 workers. After years of hard work, we have been recognized by the market and customers, and gradually become a leader in manufacturing recycling machines.

Customize Your Wet Copper Granulator Machine
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Lets Tell Us About Your Scrap Cable recycling machine Needs

Share us your scrap wire recycling machine needs. We’ll customise processing solutions to boost recycling efficiency and performance.


Soumettez votre demande

Veuillez remplir le formulaire suivant (indiquez-nous vos demandes ou vous pouvez choisir parmi) :

Série D Différentes Capacités
50 kg/h, 70 kg/h, 100 kg/h, 200 kg/h, 300 kg/h
Série N Différentes Capacités
300 à 500 kg/h, 400 à 600 kg/h, 1 T/h, 1 200 à 1 500 kg/h

Selon les différentes capacités ci-dessus, dites-nous vos demandes, une fois que nous aurons obtenu vos informations détaillées pour vos demandes, nous vous contacterons dans un premier temps avec des solutions professionnelles et un support de l'achat à l'utilisation.

Machine de recyclage de radiateurs

structure de la machine de recyclage de radiateur

Nous disposons de toutes sortes de machines de recyclage de radiateurs, en plus des machines de décapage de radiateurs simples et des lignes de recyclage de radiateurs, des machines de découpe de radiateurs.

Nos machines sont capables de traiter tous types de radiateurs de récupération, y compris les radiateurs de voiture, les radiateurs de réservoir d'eau et les radiateurs de climatisation, les radiateurs revêtus d'aluminium, etc.

Presse à balles hydraulique pour métaux

fabricant de presses à balles pour voitures

Notre presse à balles pour métaux peut traiter tous les types de ferraille, en plus des métaux légers et lourds, des métaux ferreux et des métaux non ferreux ;

nos machines ont une petite pression jusqu'à une grande pression 80T, 125T, 135T, 160T, 200T, 250T, 315T et 400T, si vous ne savez pas quelle pression choisir, envoyez-nous votre photo de matériau ci-dessous et demandez un devis gratuit maintenant !

Dites-moi vos demandes

Nous avons:

  • Broyeurs monomoteur
  • Broyeurs à double moteur
  • Puissance de 3KW à 500KW et plus
  • Tous les broyeurs sont personnalisés en fonction de la matière première du client.
  • Notre machine peut déchiqueter : toutes sortes de métaux, plastiques, palettes en bois, etc.
  • Matériau des lames de broyeur : H13, SKD-11 et support personnalisé.
  • Quantité de dents du broyeur : selon les différents types de machines, les dents sont également différentes.
  • Prix du broyeur : de 4 900 à 300 000 USD
  • Type de broyeur : broyeur commun et broyeur à moteur hydraulique.

Pouvez-vous me dire quels types de matériaux vous souhaitez traiter ? Cliquez ci-dessous et envoyez une photo du matériel.

Logo du fabricant du granulateur BSGHG

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DITES-MOIQuels types de moteurs traitez-vous ?